Friday, July 8, 2011

Casey Anthony to get out July 17th Now/Dead Lady

Yes, Yes I know I've been talking a lot about Casey Anthony but she is the latest news to everyone. People around the world are debating whether or not Casey Anthony got away with murder. She was originally sentenced to 4 years in prison for every year she wasted time lying to the police. The judge reduced her trial to only a week. She was supposed to get out July 13,2011. But instead she gets out July 17,2011? What happened? They said she owed time and money for how much the investigation cost so she will now pay money and stay a little longer in prison. 

Dead Lady Found in Pueblo West
Well I've been in a different place than where I normally am, but while I was gone, police recently found a dead body of a lady in Pueblo West. She lived in Pueblo, but the autopsy showed that the death was of natural or unusual causes. They are still figuring out how she might have been killed or died.

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